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Student Life

What is a day in the life of a BSIW Program student like?

Busy! Exciting! Challenging! Fulfilling! Fun!

7 AM – 8 AM

Wake up and eat breakfast with other students in the dining room while scanning the newspapers

8 AM – 9 AM

Travel to work via the Metro or a MetroBus

9AM – 9:30 AM

Arrive at internship – check in with supervisor and get to work

12PM – 1PM

Have lunch with coworkers or other Stanford interns working nearby

5PM – 6PM

Head home after a long day at the office

6:30PM – 7:30PM

Eat dinner with other students and instructors in the dining room

7PM – 7:30PM

Meet for class

9PM – 9:30PM

Finish class – head to bed, watch a favorite show, do some homework, catch up on email, etc…


You should be sound asleep and if you’re not you’ll certainly regret it at work the next morning

If it’s Friday or Saturday, we may be heading to a cultural event in the evening or on a day trip in the morning.

The program cuts no corners - from dinners to operas to speaker series to field trips, SIW gives you unparalleled access to culture, opportunity & leadership.

Arden Madsen